Fact and Tech Analyst: ISRO is looking for the Venus mission 'Shukrayaan' to 2031?

Monday, January 16, 2023

ISRO is looking for the Venus mission 'Shukrayaan' to 2031?

ISRO is going it's Venus mission 'Shukrayaan' expected to be launched in December 2024.

    Mr. P. Sheekumar, the Satish Dhawan professor at Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and advisor to ISRO's Space Science programme clearly said in a talk on January 9, 2023, that the Organization didn't get the approval from the Indian government for Venus mission. So as the result the mission could be postponed to 2031.

    The main purpose of the mission to study Venus' surrounding environment which is toxic and corrosive in nature because the sulfuric acid clouds cover the planet completely.

    There have been 46 Venus mission by different countries since 1961.The first Venus mission (Tyazhely Sputnik) was launched be 'Soviet Union' in February 4, 1961 which was failed. The first successful Venus mission (Mariner 2) was launched by NASA in August 27, 1962. 'Shukrayaan-I' will be the first Venus mission launch by ISRO which will study about its structure, atmosphere and climate.


        Venus is the planet which is second to Sun in the Solar System. It is also called as "twin" or "sister" of Earth because it is almost similar to the Earth in size and composition. This planet is the second largest terrestrial object of the solar system. It has the gravity slightly lower than on the Earth. Like Mercury, Venus is also appears in the Earth's sky and it never goes far from the Sun. It is also knwn as "Morning Star" or "Evening Star".

    Like Mercury, Venus does not have any moon. Solar days on Venus, with the length of 117 Earth days days. The atmosphere of Venus is consists mainly of carbon dioxide, and at the planet's surface, is the densest and hottest of the atmospheres of the four terrestrial planets.

  What are the main challenges for the mission?

    1. The space agency is planning to use the high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) that would try to examine the surface of Venus, clouds arounds the planet, which lowers visibility.
    2. Venus offers many different challenges compared to Mars, given the thick atmosphere and surface activity, which make it complex and challenging planet in the solar system.

    3. Unlike the other planets in the solar system, Venus is one of the planet which spins clockwise direction on its axis.

    4. No planet approaches closer to Earth than Venus at its nearest and it is the closest large body to Earth other than moon. Venus has 90 times atmospheric pressure as compared to Earth So this is one of the challenging problem for the mission.

Previous Mission Sent on Venus

   A. Launched by United States 

    1. Mariner (1962-1974)

    2. Pioneer (1978)

    3. Magellan (1989)

    B. Launched by Russia 

    1. Venera (1967-1985)

    2. Vegas I, II (1989)

    C. Launched by Japan 

    1. Akatsuki (2015)

    D. Launched by Europe 

    1. Venus Express (2005)

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