Fact and Tech Analyst: About us

About us


    About the Author

   Hello Everyone,
  Welcome to our website.
   I am Tejasv Gupta from Dist.   Hardoi, UP. I am pusuing my   graduation in B.Tech(Bachelor of   Technology) CSE from Invertis   University , Bareilly .I decided to   pursue this professional course   because I have a lot of  interest in   technology and Robotics since my   childhood .I always tries to learn   more about technology related   news  and articles.


Why I started blogging in Technology field :-

    As I mentioned above I have a lot   of interest in technical field and   tries to grab the opportunities from   the same field so I decided to write   the articles over the internet. Before starting this website I used to prepare my notes manually on my notebook. This helped me a lot in learning and remembering the such news related to the technical field, this also helped me to improve my communication skill and enhance my vocubulary grammatical corrections and much more and then I realize to own a website so I started to blogging .

Aim :-

I started blogging to enhance my writing power. Which directly help me learn more about the facts and technical field. I started from writing on the notebook and now I am blogging on a website and want to spread it among all people which is interested in Technical area .Want to develop a big website where many people will read our articles , and also many people can write articles for them .

Contact Author :

Tejasv Gupta
